We've been married for six months. Did it really go that fast? Was I really in Belize six months ago? Can I go back?
I didn't think that being married would change much. We had already spent all our time together and we were already developed our habits for two years (yes, even before we were dating). I was wrong. Being married is so much fun! We are just party animals over here. Not really, but we do have some fun adventures.
We go on fun vacations, get silly in church, babysit some cute kids (these photos might make us lose this privilege), and prepare for our baby boy. In six more months, we will have our little stinker here. We'll be a mini family.
Just so you know, we were safe. All four of us have big, hard heads... helmets are built in.
Marriage is tough though. It isn't so hard with Eric. I'm sure he thinks "AMANDA IS IMPOSSIBLE," but I definitely got lucky in this duo. Minus his inability to utilize social media (this is an actual issue), he is perfect-ish. We all know I'm a crazy person, but he handles it. He just smiles and tells me that it'll be perfectly fine. Thanks baby daddy. You rock.
In fifty years, this 6 month anniversary will seem like nothing, but right now, I love it.
And to answer the question... I can't get sappy. I'm awkward. I giggle and use the same words over and over again. I go off on tangents (count the parenthesizes, my friend), but at the end of the day, I get my point across.
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