You just keep getting bigger, smarter, happier, and more loving. Each month is more fun than the last. I am your typical doting mother; everything you do is absolutely perfect. You don't really have any rough days. I mean, maybe you have a rough 15 minutes, but all around you are a well behaved, smiling booger.
You are a ladies' man. Ladies keep telling me that you are flirting with them! Already?! Oh, I am in for it. I understand though. You have the cutest little bashful smile and giggle after looking away. It melts even the coldest heart. You are going to be a little heart breaker like your daddy (true story... Daddy broke lots of hearts)!
You are noticing your puppies more and more. We think (but can't tell if it is just good timing) that you have learned to call Leia. She comes, lets you pet her, then leaves. When you want her back, you squeal and she comes running back to kiss you. I'll be honest, it is hard with her thinking she is your mom. Sometimes, I just want to change your diaper in peace, but she gets in the way. Sometimes I take too long to feed you and you cry and I swear she is going to try to eat me! Our little rescue pup was a serious concern. She has bitten people before and has very bad anxiety, but she is an angel. Your Daddy's hard work really paid off.
You started sitting up. You still need support, but not too much. Your baseball from Grandpa helps with that. You love your bumbo, but still try to escape. YOU SCARE ME. I know one day soon you will learn to get out. I now understand why they have seat belts for those bad boys. I know you will be mobile in no time.
You left Mommy's room. :(. I hate, hate, HATE it. It took one night of waking up a few times, but afterward you loved it. You sleep great. Your schedule is 9:30 to 6:30. I cannot believe how well you sleep. You get that from your Daddy. I am up late and up early. Your schedule works perfect for me. This is what Mom's dream of. I just miss you. I miss having you at arm's length. I know you're safe and I know when you are restless or sleeping soundly. Can I bring you back?
You've chunked out (even more)! You are still skinnier than others, but gaining weight at a healthy pace! You were cleared to eat rice cereal, but Mommy is going the more hippy route and not giving it to you, but you only have one month until you get veggies! Your hair is also growing like a weed and it is growing in dark! You did get your Mama's hair. I'm still confused about your eye color though! Are they brown? Green? It changes. I am still going with hazel for now. These photos will probably be embarrassing later, but I don't care. They make me laugh.
Finally, you are playing. We can make you giggle with tickles or scaring you. You play with Daddy's hair. We tried getting you to slam on the piano, but you don't care to. I'm sure you will one day. Your hand control has improved so much! You grab toys and hold your bottle. I am just having so much fun. You really like when people munch on your ribs or play with your toesies. For some reason, you love when I sing. I am a terrible singer, one of the worst, but it makes you so happy.
You have some favorite people (besides me and Daddy). You absolutely adore your Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Trevor. Those three can make you laugh and laugh. This relationship is so important to me. I did not have a relationship with any of my grandparents or aunts/uncles and that doesn't bother me, but I want you to know and love them because they are so important to your Mama. They have so much love for you; they can hardly go a day without seeing you. I am so grateful for your relationship with them.
I can't believe I have only been a mother for four months. The amount of love I have for you makes it seems like I've had you forever. You are so loving. You let everyone know you love them. Thank you. I feel so special with you. I thank God for you every day of my life. "You are my greatest creation..."
May 8th, 2013
13 pounds, 12 ounces
24 3/4 inches
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